Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Training Tweaks - Wednesday Word

Before we get to the Word, can I show you who I got to meet the other day?

Five Blogging years in the making, and POOF.  I finally got to meet someone I've been admiring for years -- Heather from Where's the Beach? and her fantastic hubs met up with me for a late lunch the day after she rocked the hell out of the Chicago Marathon!

Also, my smile is so sparkly, huh?

Heather had mentioned a spot in Lincoln Park, called Karyn's, a vegetarian spot that served raw and cooked foodies.  Karyn was actually there...I really liked that.:)

Heather and Jason had ordered a cheese plate before I arrived.  Um...HELLO, YUMMY!

For lunch, I had ordered an Italian panini, and it totally hit the spot.

The rest of our afternoon and evening included some brews and terrific conversation.  I shamelessly inhaled some chicken nachos at some point.  It was so awesome to meet her and her hubs, and I can't wait to see them again!

Deb Runs

Today's Wednesday Word is ADJUST.  I have learned more about this word from running than any other thing on this planet.  Altering, moving, assessing, modifying to achieve a desired fit...that's what we do in the fitness world.

This WW is extremely timely.  I have a lot of thinking to do for next year, seeing as how I had to adjust so much this year that I had to bail from one BIG race, and even bail from an early race for 2016.  I feel like I went through too much this summer, and at the same time, too little, to keep up with regular training  Adjustments are a funny thing; what we actively adjust throughout our day is remarkably different than the long term adjustments that we're unknowingly making.  One word that can back this up is "Priorities".  When it comes to training and racing, we make tweaks, and sometimes they're designed either for the goal, or they're based around other demands in our lives.  When we can adjust accordingly every day and still happily meet our training goals, we're truly ready for the big, long-term things.

One thing that I do love about adjustment is the breeding of acceptance.  I believe that the more things you have to modify, or the more decisions in adjustments you have to make about your priorities, the more you're willing to accept change.  I don't know about you guys, but change scares the snot out of me.  When those changes happen suddenly, without notice, I get very anxious.  When it comes to training, however, I've become much more accepting and forgiving of situations, and I really attribute that to modifications I've had to make in training over the years.  I'm not just changing items in a calendar or moving them to a new place; when I adjust, it can also include emotional and mental wellness maneuvers toward a better goal.

I'm currently going through so much blurry, that I'm taking some time to figure out what my new focus is.  This is something I regularly do -- give myself time -- to allow the acceptance and adjustment phases to take place naturally in my brain.

All in all, it's a wonderful, life-affirming word, "Adjust".  Without it, we wouldn't make a move in the right direction when change (big or small) comes a-knockin'.
How do you adjust?  Is it an easy or difficult move for you?

Fellow bloggers:  Do you meet up when you get the chance?  I HIGHLY SUGGEST IT!

IT'S MID-OCTOBER ALREADY!  Halloween ideas?!

Rootin' for any teams lately?  Football, baseball, hockey?


  1. Sorry I missed out on lunch with you guys! Mom and I were stuck in traffic for over an hour thanks to the Columbus Day parade, and then I crashed when we got back--I didn't get your text until after! But so glad that you had fun. Training is, in so many ways, a true test of one's ability to be resilient and adapt. You have to do what is best for YOU and your situation. You don't owe that race anything!

  2. I am soooo glad we finally got to meet!! Wish we could have met up again yesterday. This trip has worn us out!

  3. I had to adjust my race goals for Chicago, making a "B" goal for the first time ever in my 25th year running races! Maybe I'm finally starting to mature?

  4. I like the idea that adjustment breeds acceptance. This is so true. I'm not very good at accepting change, but the older I get the better I am at it.

  5. I completely agree I too have learned so much about adjusting because of running! Last year I ran the hardest half marathon I ever faced. Hills and more hills. This year I had to adjust my training to be able to complete it.
    Even though it was the same route as the year before, I would swear it was two different races. My adjustment in training allowed me to beat my time by almost 15 minutes! So adjustments are necessary! Great post!

  6. Soooooo jelly you met Heather! I had a major spectating fail and couldn't even spot her on the course. Waaaah!

  7. I like how adjustment incorporates better information. Of course! That makes so much sense! Love that quote -- thank you!

  8. I love having blogger meet-ups, and so far mine have always been at either races or for a run. Last year I tried to meet a new blogger every month, and almost made it! I think I missed two months and met almost 20 new bloggers. Now I've met most of the the bloggers I follow in the DC area.

    My son just started working on his MBA at Chicago Booth so now I have a great reason to visit to Chicago. In fact we just visited in late September. I'm thinking of going back in late May for the Chicago Spring Half Marathon. Perhaps there's a meet-up in our future...

    Thanks for linking up!

  9. I adjust every single day. :-) I have a whole set of plans for each day and many times it doesn't always work out. Does that count?


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