Tuesday, July 12, 2016

It was the right thing to do, and my THEME SONGS*

Yesterday was mine and Harry's anniversary!  We're going to celebrate for real this Friday, but as for yesterday, Harry wore the shirt I got for him last year.  Thanks, Oiselle, for making things for Grooms.:)  He wore this same shirt last year doing a treadmill workout the morning of our wedding.

While Harry was out, Sophs and I got to work on a "No Boys Allowed" fort.  We pretty much dominated the front room.

After Harry got back from his run, I hit up the trails with Lola for a 60-minute (+ 5 minutes) ride.

It was about 91*F when I head out, and it was either going to a forest preserve or the Lakefront (no shade).  I opted for the shady ride, and did NOT leave the house without a bottle full of Nuun Active. I'll do anything to avoid the bonk on the bike.

I got a picture of this deer's booty for you while cycling.  I'm soooooooooo talented.

I immediately picked up Harry and Sophia to get our free Slurpees from 7-Eleven >>>>> CELEBRATION SLURPEES!  The Slurpees at our local 7-Eleven had workers on the Slurpee machine handing them out.  Forget getting any other size today, haha.  I got SUPER LUCKY -- the camp kids were heading over from the park after hitting the pool, and Sophia says there were ~130 of them walked in right after I got my Slurpee.  Man, oh man.

Ah.  That's how we celebrate.

Back to dominating the front room.  It was the right thing to do.

Harry has classes Monday (and Wednesday) evenings, so while he was off, Sophs and I treated ourselves to our favorite meatball subs with the best home fries you'll ever taste.  They don't photograph well, but they are delishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

The rest of our evening = Watching "Friends".  Sophs absolutely loves it, and I don't ever mind watching it.  In fact, I could watch it forever and ever.
Marcia, MCM Mama Runs, and My No-Guilt Life would like to know...

You know, I couldn't possibly choose just one.  I have several songs that I have Easter-egged throughout my playlist (I make sure to spread them out)

Most of the songs that make me go-go-go are mostly upbeat in tempo and in spirit.  Some of them have that competitive sound to them, and others are put on my playlist to make me really enjoy the moment, even provoke tears...;)  This is my half marathon playlist --- I have a few this year that I'll be rocking it to!

FYI:  "Let It Go" is an absolute MUST.  I hopped on that guilty pleasure train late, and I'm still on it, chooo choooooooo.

I just figured it'd be way more fun to make a list for you, rather than throw out one hour and forty-four minutes of melodic fury by the way of YouTube vids.;)  Some of those toward the end are the ones that will BRING.IT.HOME for me!  Do you put your best music toward the end of your playlists, too?

Thanks for the link-up, ladies!
Are you injured right now?  With what?

Did you get your free Slurpee yesterday?  

Were/Are you a "Friends" fan?


  1. I've been staying up later and later and catching Friends on TV! I could watch forever. I was totally dissed both at Starbucks (went for their new Iced Sangria Herbal Tea and they didn't have it) and 7-11 (took the kids after track camp at 7:15 and the promo ended at 7 so had to pay. The horror.

  2. I heard it was free slurpie day but I never ended up going. That would have been refreshing on a hot summer day. I like to put my favorite songs at the end of my playlist.it gives me that extra pep in my step when I need it to finish the race.

  3. That is the most Motely Crue (see what I did there) assortment of race songs ever. I approve. I really wanted a free Slurpee yesterday but I knew I wouldn't be able to find my favorite, Cherry Limeade, and I didn't have Alex to share a Coke one with (if I have the real thing, I lose my marbles). So le sigh.

  4. The event could not have gone more smoothly, and from my perspective, less stressfully. At NYC wedding venues I was able to relax, let my hair down, and totally enjoy the party, and felt totally pampered and cared for by their manager. The food was excellent, and the floral were gorgeous and reasonably priced.


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