Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Two on Tuesday

I upped my daily amount of brave yesterday morning.  I finally used my new, beautiful, precious iPhone in the LifeProof case, and by "used", I mean "allowed my phone to plunge to the bottom of the pool".  I was scared at first -- what if I hadn't put the case on properly?  What if the case failed?  This is serious business, and these were completely rational fears.  Admittedly, I've used my phone in the shower or bath, just to prove that a few sprinkles will not harm it.  Dunking it, however...

Once I realized it was all good (and hyperventilated a few times), I couldn't stop taking pictures.  I effectively scared the crap out of the guy in the lane next to me (seen in the picture below!).  He noticed what I was doing and said "Oh my gosh, what are you doing?".  I showed him what was up.:)  I give you my first underwater selfie--------fail.  But a great shot of the NUUN cap and bubbles.

Just getting to work, and of course, the first thing I need to do is check Instagram (employee of the year).  I came across some wonderful things for a Monday.

FINALLY, LUNCH.  Forget the fact that I had eaten my breaky three and a half hours earlier.  I always get ravenous after swimming.  Throwing broccoli in my Annie's mac n' cheese is kind of a big deal to me, mainly because it's a great way for me to enjoy my green veggies.

And shortly after lunch comes an episode of "Oh man, a nap sounds so great right now....".  It was dark and dreary at this point of the day, and my Kindergarten class was waltzing in through the gym doors to their dots.  Some NUUN Energy helped me pep right up.

The afternoon finally came to an end, and I bounced out of the school --- FAST.  I wanted something warm and savory, yet something sweet at the same time, for an afternoon snack.  A small apple, some dark rye and an egg hit the spot.  An apple a day + an egg a day, IMHO, keep the doctor away.

In other news, I was SUPER impressed with some of my fellow NUUN athletes!  I didn't realize how hardcore our group was, but I'm certainly honored to be a part of all of the awesomeness.  Check out some of these BAMFs on the east coast, having a blast in 20-25 inches of the white stuff!

Not a part of the NUUN crew, but more BAMFs.

This picture was posted by a friend of mine on Facebook.  It kind of explains a lot.

From the Department of Randomness, you have a pop quiz.

Q:  What is tastier than Harry's chili?

.... .... .... .... .... ....


+ more "X-Files".

HEY!  Happy Tuesday!:)
Did you get stuck in the snow?!

QUICK:  How do you like your eggs?
-Sunnyside up, please!

QUICKER:  Tell me three things you are doing today!
-Running, Teaching, Coaching!


  1. One of my favorite dishes IN THIS WORLD is a slaw chili dog. It pretty much sucks that I can't a) eat hot dogs b) can't eat chili dogs and c) slaw has mayo. STUPID STUPID STOMACH

  2. I would also have been hyperventilating about my phone in the pool too. Glad to hear that case works.


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