Thursday, January 28, 2016

One Sentence [Out Loud]

HEY!  It's Thursday!<3  Thank you so our beautiful Amanda for hosting #TOLT!  I was in a *sentence per picture* kind of mood, so it's short and sweet.  MUAH.


1.  Sophia is now a Brownie Girl Scout, which makes her our brand new source for ALL OF THE Girl Scout Cookies.

2.  This kind of explains a lot.

3.  We're soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo spoiled.

4.  Seven solid days of being at my new age, and I'm already over it.

5.  True story:  I did this with my house key for the first time ever for yesterday's run.

6.  Dearest Chicago -- GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER.

7.  Sometimes the best thing you can do is let a first grader be a first grader (and make a creepy face).

8.  A follow-up to number 6.

9.  Found in the Women for Tri Facebook group.  

10.  It always makes me feel good to end on a positive note.

-Believe it or not, HARRY AND I HAVE NONE!  I kind of want to keep it that way, but have no idea what to do with that...

In ONE SENTENCE, tell me one thing you love about running/working out/fitness/lifting/whatever exercise worthy!


  1. Weekend plans--as you will discover today, every day is my weekend!
    And don't even think about asking me to buy girl scout cookies. They are kryponite and I won't have them in my house.
    But ask my mom. She's a total sucker

  2. What is up with the whatchamacallit in the hole? Let potholes be potholes. :)

    I've never tied my key to my shoelaces. Possibly because we have 3 keys for our house. Possibly because I'm all about the pockets!

  3. That cone in the hole, though... lol! That's brilliant, especially being upside down. And I always want to try tying my key to my shoe, but I feel like I'd constantly be looking down to make sure it's still there.

    1. I took out one loop, put the key on the string, then re-looped it and tied it. No worries!

  4. Bahhaha to the cone in the hole...So classy. That's bound to end terribly.

  5. I love how that 'one does not simply' meme has been used for so many different terms... And girl scout cookies are SO good. :) I'd love to try to make some imitations of them. :)

    1. SAME HERE! I'm kind of scared about that, though -- there's always an end to cookie buying season. If you make REALLY GOOD imitation GS cookies, then there's NEVER AN END!>:O

  6. I've never tried the key in the shoe laces trick. I'll have to give that a whirl one of these days.
    Most days, I just love running as an excuse to get out of the house away from my family. It sounds terrible, but it's truly necessary for my sanity.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Girl, that doesn't sound terrible at all.:) We all need it!

  7. OMG! The traffic cone?!?! My husband does the key thing. I stick mine in my phone arm band or some of my running pants have a zippered mini pocket for keys. I love that!

    1. I hear ya'! Pockets are usually my go-to for key storage.

  8. Holy crap, that traffic cone...that's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Glad you didn't step in it! I don't know how families of Girl Scouts handle having all of those boxes of cookies around. I'd be like, EAT ALL THE COOKIES! What I love about working out: The feeling of satisfaction that I get from working hard.

    1. Reading this made me realize how sad it is that I could live off GS cookies.

      Like, desperately sad.

  9. Wow! That's a lot to contend with! Ha! This made me laugh out loud.


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