Friday, January 2, 2015

Country-Fried Chicken Pizza.

So here's to starting off the year in style!

This was my first day of the year for 2014.

Not a far cry from this year, temperature wise.  As far as what was on the ground, it was snow and ice free!  What this picture doesn't show you is the "Feels like"...which was "4*F".

An 11:00am start to this (what is now) tradition race for me = I'm starving by the time we get to the start line.

And after my slowest 5K last year (by far...Harry and I scoffed at the thought of racing it in 2014 with so much snow on the ground), it was fitting that I came back, wearin' the 4-5.  #Encore

Harry and I took it relatively easy.  I just owned this up to a bit of speedwork, rather than a race.  I really didn't see a point in trying to PR, but we'll get to that later in this post.

Off to Revolution brewpub for tradition noms!

Harry's pizza.!  Country-fried chicken pizza = the best thing of my life!

My delicious breakfast burger.

Harry and I finally got home, and I took a long, hot shower.  I was FREEZING and couldn't warm up for the life of me.  We turned on some jazz tunes and just chilled out for the rest of the day.

Dinner:  Nothing brings you more luck than black-eyed peas on New Year's Day!

In related news, I've taken quite a break from regular training since the marathon in October.  Some swimming here, some cycling there, a dash of Yoga, and some running.  Nothing structured, nor major in terms of intensity or volume.  Yet, still eating like I did during weeks of high mileage.  So essentially, I'm a lazy eating-machine.

*le smirk*

I'm actually really excited about getting back into a more structured training cycle.  After what is essentially overtraining (marathon training), different levels of "wanna" go away for different people.  For me, I need a mental break from it.  My go-to sign for a break is when training feels like a chore.  I'm happy to say that after several lower mileage weeks, I'm ready to get back at it.

I'm looking forward to updating my training calendar this weekend.  I have a lot of work to do; just PLANNING everything will take a while!:)
How is your training going?  Are you looking forward to a new goal?

QUICK:  Favorite (training) headband?

QUICKER:  Last delicious dessert you had?


  1. So I might be going to Rev tomorrow. No lie.
    Best workout headband would be Sparkly Soul. Love them and they are super cute.
    Best dessert recently.... um... all of them?
    I am definitely really good at lazy eating. And even though I am "training" it seems like I am still spending enough time on my bum to be lazy eating.

  2. ...I really want pizza now. ;_;

    I'm also unnaturally gifted at lazy eating. :D!


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