Sunday, July 20, 2014

Marathon Training: Week VI

My hand is still mending from the solo knife-fight (the one I lost), so still no swimming, cycling, or Yoga this week (with the exception of an easy ride this afternoon).  Harry asked if we could go play golf with some friends this weekend, and I sheepishly held up my hand with my one stitch sitting in the middle of my palm, paired with a frowny face, signaling a sad "no".  *le sigh*  I'll be able to have fun again after the stitch is removed (THIS WEEK!).  I miss the pool like crazy, and I miss being able to turn off my brain for Yerrrgah.  So here's to a new week, with more quality cross-training!

We got an extra special surprise this past week for the /R/iver /R/unners track workout:  A PHOTOGRAPHER.  Actually, we had a couple of them.  :)  Photog #1:  Ryan, a photographer we were set up with, after being contacted regarding a Runner's World editorial on running groups in the Chicago area.  HO-LEE-COW.  We were excited to see a bigger turnout, including Eric (This Hobbit Runs), whom we were stoked to see again, and Kelly (Shin Splints and Chocolate Chips), whom is a speed demon.  Our new friend, Mary, showed up with her hubby, who was kind enough to take more pictures of us (Photog #2), and Mike brought along his beautiful wife again.

Ryan (Photog #1) was running a little late, so we began our workout (we were getting antsy).  After a five-minute warm-up, and one five-minute interval, we noticed that Fearless Leader Greg had made contact with our photographer.  We all had a lovely glisten about us, after ten minutes of work.

We were instructed to stretch some; I suppose Ryan wanted some variety angles (smart thinkin', if you ask me).  Mary's hubby clicked away, as well!

Some expert stretching right here.  I was super excited about this, and exclaimed "Sun's out, guns out!".

And finally, we were off!  We looked pretty awesome out there, everyone in this little huddle.

Usually, the guys are slightly ahead of Stephanie and I.  This week got super scattered, with diverse paces all across the board.  Steph and I opted to not necessarily go H.A.M. on our interval paces; we kept it relatively easy.  Plus, my tummy was sort of messing with me.  We said goodbye to Ryan at some point (probably under labored breathing...sorry if we creeped you out, guy!).  I'm sure he got some amazing shots of us, so here's hoping you see our crew in the October 2014 issue of Runner's World magazine!  :)

I got some shots while running.  I've gotten kinda good at taking artsy running photos.

Of course, we cooled down, and head straightaway to Revolution Brewing.

And in true /R/iver /R/unners fashion, we demolished two big 'ole greasy pizzas.

Week Six Wrap-Up:

Monday - REST
Tuesday - 5.05 easy miles
Wednesday - 5.25 Speedwork miles
Thursday - REST
Friday - 6.32 easy miles
Saturday - 14.02 long run miles
Sunday - 4.01 easy miles,  ~15 miles cycling with Harry to, on, and from the Lakefront Trail (I cycled beside him as he ran his easy run for today).

34.65 miles for the week.

I'm really looking forward to a week of more variety in my training.  I've said it before that only training with running won't work for me; my body needs to move in different ways.  Here's to week seven!


  1. I personally know quite a few people training for the Chicago Marathon so I had to come over and show you some support, too. You all make it look easy. I'm living vicariously through you all since I don't think I'm mentally ready to train for a marathon yet. Plus I think I want my little one to be a little older. :-)

    1. True story: I'm probably not mentally ready for this yet, either. Bwahaha! :) Thanks for the support, fellow Tiffany! <3

  2. YOU'RE GOING TO BE FAMOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!111

  3. I'm so glad I got to come out and meet you all. I want to make it more of a regular occurrence, I just gotta fit it into the schedule (or hope for H to go on more business trips). It was great to chat with you! Also, at the encouragement of others in the group I just signed up for the F3 half in January. Will you be doing it again next year?

    1. We'll be chanting "ONE OF US!" next time you come, promise! :) We enjoyed your company so very much, and hope to see you again very soon!

      Harry and I just signed up last week for the F^3 Lake Half MUAAHAHAHA!

  4. Such a great reminder that I'd really like to find a local running to do that now!


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