Tuesday, January 17, 2017

A New Diagnosis

Hey!  I hope you had a beautiful day yesterday.

Chicago was pretty ---------> foggy and rainy.  Harry and I set off for my appointment with Dr. Chin at The Running Institute around 10:00am, and this is what it looked like downtown.  There are usually buildings and a park there...

We were a little early, so we kept ourselves entertained with some old school classics.

Back story:  After getting two injections, going through six weeks of Physical Therapy, six weeks of being in Das Boot, and finally, orthotics (it's only been a week since I got them), I figured SOMETHING would've healed!  My aggravation from a couple of weeks ago got the best of me, and I reached out to Dr. Chin, emotional and 100% frustrated.

Dr. Chin and I talked about a week ago about what was *still* going on with my foot.  After hearing more about these symptoms, he decided, and ultimately confirmed, a new diagnosis.

Try saying that five times really fast.


Very thorough, confirming things happened.

And then came the good stuff.

Dr. Chin is always very detailed in explaining all of my treatment options, and it was plain to see that one more injection in this foot would probably be the best plan of action.

Some good news = Dr. Chin says that my Achilles looks great.

SO -- now I have to wait a couple more weeks to even consider running.  Now I can ask, "WHAT'S TWO MORE WEEKS?", and for real, as long as I get fixed, I have no issues with that.  I can swim in a couple of days, spin, elliptical, etc., just no jumping.  Even stretching the area a la Downward Facing Dog is probably not a great idea for a while.  I'll do my best this week to rock some cardio, probably starting Wednesday.;)

Harry and I were starving when we left my appointment, so I picked up a salad for myself.  This is officially my new favorite dressing.

Random thing that happened that makes me smile:  When races follow me back on social media, I squeal a little.  I've got my eye on you, Haunted Hustle!

Dinner was simple and perfect.  We LOVE LOVE LOVE this pasta and this sauce!

Here's to one step (haha, get it?) closer to feeling like me (runner) again!  Simply put, I can't wait, but I can.  Does that make sense?  It just goes to show how much I love the stupid thing.  I'll do anything to get back to it.<3

Thanks for the linkup, ladies (MarciaPatty, and Erika)!

What was your very worst running-related injury?  How long did it take for you to get back to it?

Do you have a favorite race selected for this year?  Tell me about it!

FAVORITE kind of pasta?


  1. I hope these weeks fly by! My worst injuries have not been running related - a DVT that sidelined me for 6 months, and broken foot (hiking) that kept me out for about 2.5 months.

    1. SIX MONTHS. Good Heavens! I'd always like to think that we're better for having to go through this, but dang.

  2. UGH. I'm glad that they have a diagnosis and action plan, but SERIOUSLY. GET IT TOGETHER FOOT.

  3. While it's nice to have an answer, enough is enough!!!


  4. Ugh sorry you've endured this so long but YAY for a breakthrough that will (fingers and toes crossed) get you up and running again SOON!

    1. One day, I'm going to run with you. It's my new goal. <3

  5. I think it's always easier when you have a dx. And at least it's not like 6 months in the boot!

    My worst was a very bad IT flareup one half -- running was painful for months afterwards. But then, back then I didn't go to a PT for it, or a chiro -- thankfully it's never been as bad since.

  6. Ugh to the injury, but hoping you are completely over this soon! And 2 weeks is better than what it could be! Hang in there!

    1. Well lol it's been several months, but what is two more weeks?:)

  7. Glad you finally got a diagnosis. I hadn't had any injuries until October when I suffered a stress fracture in my toe. I'm still recovering right now, but was in das boot as well and out of running for 2+ months. Slowly I'm starting up my return to running again, but it's not easy.

    1. As much as I'm looking forward to running again after three+ months, I'm actually afraid of how tough it's going to be. I'll embrace the MF out of it, though.:)

  8. Aww, sorry you are going through this. Not that I have to tell you this, but best to wait till you are completely healed before getting out there again. What's a few more weeks, right!

    1. 13 days and counting, girl! <3 Thank you for your support and kind words!

  9. My worst injury was Plantar Fasciitis...and I was totally blind-sided by it (late May 2015). Of course there's that itty bitty detail that it erupted a mere 3 weeks prior to Grandma's Marathon. But all went well...and I'm actually returning and running Grandma's again this year ;-)

    1. Woot woot! There's nothing better than running into a marathon healthy, especially after your previous experience! Cant wait to read all about your training and the big day!

  10. I tore my meniscus back in July. Blew my Marine Corps Marathon and a potential BQ (seriously going for my first one). It's still not fixed. Still can't run. HIGHLY FRUSTRATED!! But, I just got great news today and my insurance approved the authorization to see the doctor who wants to do the surgery and put me back together!!!

    1. OH sweet GLORY! That's UGLY news, but also FANTASTiC news! Sending prayers and happy thoughts of comfort and healing to you, friend!

  11. I'm glad they have a diagnosis now and I hope you have a speedy recovery and that you'll get to go back to running soon! <3! I don't run, so no running-related injuries, but I broke my hand last year in jiu-jitsu and was out for 6-ish months because they found a random bone tumor in my hand and were worried bone wouldn't grow back in that space. I didn't get to follow up on it, so not actually sure if it was cartilage or bone that decided to come back in its place! I'm hoping it's the latter...


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