Friday, June 17, 2016

The Training Sched, & Friday Faves

Miles I ran yesterday =

Thursday is rest day for me.  Since we usually go out Wednesday evenings after Track, it just makes sense to sleep in for a bit the following day (which means I get up at 5:00am instead of 4:30am).

I guess that I get a little amused when I get a bit more sleep.  The three cups of coffee probably had nothing to do with me sending a happy message with a goofy picture to my husband.

Between my breaky (which I ate standing up in the kitchen as I packed my lunch) and the noon hour, I usually have a snack.

Today it was a box of cereal from a student's breakfast bag (no, I didn't steal it!).  This might very well be my most favorite cereal.

My cereal-eating motto:  Take No Prisoners.  Yes, I ate all of the shreds at the bottom of the bowl.  Always have, always will.

After completely reorganizing our gym equipment closet (I'm nerding out since my Principal got us some brand new containers to replace the cardboard boxes a lot of the equipment was staying in), I refueled with some TJ's Minestrone soup and some broc.

The day kind of took a nose-dive, in terms of behaviors and dealing with certain challenges.  Everything's cool -- but I'm not even kidding when I say that the last hour of my day warranted some stress eating.

So close to the end of the school year, so close to my girl parts time, some compounded stress =

I meant business.

Totes apprope.

After showing you all of this food (especially that last bit, woaw), I thought I'd update you with this.

Newish Training Schedule

M - 60 minute cycle or spin (I'm looking forward to getting back out on the bike!) followed by upper body weights.
T - Short run for the week (I feel like I need a warm-up for the week.  Make sense?)
W - Speedwork (will switch between tempo and interval runs) in the morning; 
conditioning (dynamic stretching and drills) with the /R/iver /R/unners at the track in the evening.
TH - REST (I gotta keep beating that PR)
F - Long run.  Summer break is finally here, and keeping my long run on Saturday is not completely necessary
- A recovery run before teaching a couple of hours of group exercise.
SUN - Easy (like Sunday morning) miles before church.

We can totally talk about my goals soon.  I've got some pretty good ones!

How about some FRIDAY FAVES?!

---------> silly, but true, thought.

Fave cycling/running annoyance...

Favorite words regarding Orlando =

Suz.  Forever Suz.

And Kate's post, "Finding Gratitude in Grief".

Favorite dry shampoo...of all time... thing I don't procrastinate with...

FAVORITE GOAL/THOUGHT FOR THE DAY.  I'm SO rocking a nap this afternoon, and I CAN'T WAIT!:)

Favorite weekend thought/goal --------------------------->

Because THIS is this weekend!

This is one of our traditions with Sophs...third year running!

HAPPY FRIDAY!  YOU are my favorite!:)
Is there a nap in your future?


Favorite indulgence as of late?


  1. Love you. Sad that I won't see you tomorrow. Don't forget your present (in my office).

    1. I'll see you next week! Lunch + work! Have an awesome time, girl.

  2. OMG. That Pomeranian and bad decision meme is so me hahaha.

  3. Susie is my favorite every week :) I love your new training schedule! Sounds great. Have a fantastic weekend!

  4. Wow! everything looks like happy and interesting. It makes me exciting with you. These activities are awesome. I like...:)


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