So when it's that cold, I gotta give my Jeep a decent amount of time to warm up.
FAVE -- Sitting in the Jeep!
Yesterday was one of those days where I needed to work on things other than running and spinning. I needed some body weight conditioning, k? There aren't any group exercise classes scheduled during convenient times for me, which kind of stinks; I really like group exercise! My next step was finding an app. Boot Camp Challenge seemed to fit all of my needs.
I finished my assessment last week (push-ups, sit-ups, and squats ------- it was SAD!), and I finally moved on to this workout. Because I wasn't very creative yesterday morning (must have been from all that sitting in my Jeep...), I didn't take any pictures of myself doing these exercises. I have an idea on how to do that in the future, so watch out.;)
What I really loved was the music matching! I didn't prepare a playlist (but you totally can) so I used a running playlist. The beat sync picks up the BPM for the exercise you're performing, which kind of rocks. I liked hearing "Eye of the Tiger" hyped up a bit (not annoyingly).
What I also liked was the stretching segment. Thank you, fave new app, for identifying the cooldown and stretching needs of your clients.
I was B-E-A-T by the MIDDLE of this sesh, though. I know that it's going to get harder, and I'm really excited about keeping it as part of my training regiment.
I plan on keeping this app and the Yoga Studio (NEW FAVORITE, AS WELL!) app in my weekly training. I feel like they're both going to make me a stronger runner. And that will keep me smiling.
RANDOM FAVE -- when I get to work, work husband has already put on a pot of coffee. He's the (do people still say that?). Cliche at its best = It's the little things...
Another random FAVE -- Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, I was stalking Jillian Michaels (I'm not even ashamed of that not-so-normal tendency ) and came across this picture on her Twitter profile. I thought for a moment "daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammit, she rocks that pose!" The next thought in my brain? "I can do that."
Yeah, okay, fine. I was falling. But I had it for .00023 seconds.
They recently built a Wendy's next to my school. While I'm not the biggest fan of fast food, I'm thankful that there's a spot nearby with some yummy things that I can sporadically and sparingly enjoy.
Also, I don't drink coke ("coke" = Texan for "all things soda-like"), but these things rock my world. My Principal had asked for a Cherry Coke, so I got to go through the process of making her one. FUNSIES.
THIS DRESSING from Trader Joe's! F-----A------V-------E! I left it in our P.E. office fridge (WH and I got one before the school year started; best idea ever) and threw it on my salad instead of the dressing Wendy's gave me.
And I DID NOT CARE that it was 15*F when I went to get lunch. I got a FROSTY.:)
Harry had gone to class by the time I got home, so I cuddled up and watched one of my favorite flicks. In my pajamas. At 5:00pm. #killinit
So some of y'all know that Andrea Duke is one of my buds from San Antonio (because I will brag until my dying day that I know this BAMF). She is also my fave for the Olympic Trials in L.A. tomorrow.. I've had the honor of working with her, chatting up races, talking about our fave sports teams (GO SPURS GO!), and getting the best "CONGRATS!" hug after my inaugural half marathon victory.
She has A LOT to look forward to tomorrow, and broke down some of the advice she has for anyone getting out there to rock the 26.2. THIS IS WHY SHE IS MY SPIRIT ANIMAL.
Dr. Dre (her Twitter handle cracks me up) dishes out her marathon tips, and guess what -- They're not all "This many miles per week...", "this type of workout then...", "Run at this pace for the long run...". They're words of wisdom. She writes true, heartfelt words that I can honestly say hits the nail on the head. These are additional goals to look forward to while marathon training, and on race day, rather than finishing a goal time.
I want to say that it's her humble, enduring, compassionate spirit that's the culprit for the affinity I have for her.
I can't wait to watch her tomorrow morning! GOOD LUCK, D-R-E!
What are some of your random faves?
Do you eat fast food? Maybe in an emergency situation?
Will you be tuning in to the Olympic Trials?
I wish that we were getting mani/pedis again this week. So hard. I still think that you should make your Siri foreign. It is so much fun. I fall on my ass when it comes to pistol squats. SO HARD
ReplyDeleteI'm positive my Siri does not understand English. When I ask her anything she calls someone. Trials? Yes please!
ReplyDeleteI read her article and loved it!!!