Saturday, September 13, 2014

Taking Precautions and Listening to Your Body [Short Post -- Long TItle]

I have basically four weeks left of marathon training, and I've been struck with a sore throat and the beginning of a sinus infection/sickies.  It might not be that serious yet, but I have taken the high road with this one and made myself rest for the past few days.  I ran Wednesday evening with the /R/iver /R/unners and felt just fine, but Thursday's and Friday's runs were scratched.  I don't feel bad about that, at all.  I have to do what's right for me and my body during this rough patch of training.  I have let myself sleep in (including today...getting 10 hours of sleep last night!) this week, and have gone to bed early.  I have tried to push through the sickies before, and I only ended up being sicker much longer.  Clearly that's not a battle I wish to encounter (and likely lose) during marathon training.

Next week is a peak week, and I'd love to be strong for it, and not to mention being strong for the marathon.  I  believe that the rest has paid off, and my head feels less fuzzy, my sinuses feel clear, and my leggies are itching to go, especially after seeing this!

I'm sipping on some hot coffee at the moment, beaming at the idea of running some long, slow miles in the cool air.  This is a step back week, so it's 12-13 miles, rather than 20+.  I will back it down even further if my breathing becomes too labored or I'm not feeling well again.  I am optimistic, though!

One last thing before I go...THIS HAPPENED.

Can I get a 'woot woot!'?!
Do you chill when you're sick, or do you try to push through?

Are you excited for FALL?!  Because I AM!

Just how awesome was your week?


  1. congrats on your Fitfluential ambassadorship! It's a great group - you will love it! Welcome!

  2. Congrats on being a Fitfluential ambassador! I've been a member since they started but I never qualified for ambassador.

  3. Congrats! :D I hope to get there someday! :P

  4. You are wise to back off now. Gosh that bug is going around like wildfire. Congrats and welcome to FF!

  5. Here is your woot woot!!!!! Congrats! Always listen to your body- you only have one! Feel better soon and take it easy!

  6. Yeah! Congrats on becoming a FF ambassador!


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