
Monday, October 26, 2015

What All the Cool Kids Are Eating

We had a pretty stellar weekend full of delicious food and traditions.

Let's begin this post with Friday afternoon, right after I clocked out.  Harry had a conference downtown, so I got to meet up with him, and we hit up Eataly for some shopping and dining. We haven't been there yet, and Heather told me how it was such a magical place.  I had no idea that I would have the most amazing food of my life, otherwise I wouldn't have dressed like a P.E. teacher.:)

We loved looking around this place. It was so clean.  So market-like.  So fresh.  All of the Italian staples were there. There was beer and wine...

Meat, pastries, chocolates and deserts...

Pasta...Harry was so excited about this part.

FRESH pasta, bread, sauces...

And then...the love of my life...cheese.  I love you, cheese.

I officially wanted cheese in my tummy after seeing probably close to a thousand different kinds.  We went the brewpub that's inside, and ordered a meatball brisket sandwich and a meat and cheese plate (with the freshest bread ever!) to split.  I was in noms heaven, I tell you.

I dominated the board.  Harry loved the meats, but I was all about the cheese and sweet jams.

Our server walked past several times to check on us, but didn't have to ask if we needed anything, mainly because I looked like this.

I slept very well Friday evening.  Saturday brought a long run, and then the Munchkin.  We picked up Sophs and went straight to Costco.  Sophs and I had an agenda:  purchasing mittens/gloves, wool socks, and copious amounts of candy.

And lunch.  Costco lunch is far superior to that of any lunch on the planet.

We had to pick up some things at the regular grocery store.  Sophs wanted to prove that she is NOT, in fact, too heavy to carry.

Nor is she ever above carrying things on her head.

We got home, and the pumpkin carving began!

We were ready to rock some hot chocolate and watch a tradition flick with Sophs after de-gutting our pumpkins.  WE LOVED THIS STUFF!

And to munch on while we watched our movie?  Pumpkin seeds.  Honey and brown sugar glazed, and cinnamon-sugar.  It's what all the cool kids are eating.

Sunday morning, we head over to Fearless Leader Greg's and Solemate Steph's crib for "Coffee, Cars, Churros, Choroizo Chili & Beer" day.  That meant getting Sophs up kind of early, but she was up for it.:)

First thing's first:  Greg and Jeff changing the oil on my Jeep.

Meanwhile, Harry was showing off his mad Chili-making skills, and Sophs was helping with chopping and prep'ing chili

Steph fed us quesadillas and I didn't take pictures.  Guess I was really hungry.:)

We had to run past the 'hood to get Sophs' stuff before dropping her off.  Apparently my neighborhood supports a carpool like no other.

Harry and I ended a great weekend with a couple of pumpkin beers and The Simpson Treehouse of Horror.

A pretty marvelous weekend, if you ask me!

Tell me something MARVELOUS about your weekend!

Do you go to Costco?  Tell me your favorite thing to get!

Do you have any Halloween traditions?  Pumpkin carving?  Movies?  TV shows?



  1. You guys crack me up. I'm giving you a wheel of parmesan for the holidays.

  2. Those pumpkin seeds look pretty tasty... And I love fancy cheeses and meats. :D

    1. The honey-brown sugar ones were pretty dang delish. I'll post the recipe this week.

  3. All that food makes me so happy (and I super-miss having a Costco in my life!)! :D Those pumpkin seeds look super delicious! :D

    1. I volunteer to get you whatever you want from Costco and will ship it to you!

    2. You are a wonderful human being! <3

  4. You look like you had a fab weekend! My daughter has those same Sleeping Beauty PJs:)

  5. You guys always have fabulous times! Must hang out with you.
